2025年2月27日 星期四

旅遊亮點 tourist draw

🍅The cherry blossom festival in Japan is a big tourist draw, attracting millions of visitors each year.

🍄The Eiffel Tower is a big tourist draw in Paris, with thousands of visitors daily.

🍇The stunning beaches of Bali are a big tourist draw, especially for those looking for a tropical getaway.

🍈Korean entertainment is a big tourist draw, with visitors dressing up in period costumes when they visit Seoul's Palace.

🍉K-pop concerts have become a big tourist draw in South Korea, with fans traveling from all over the world to see their favorite idols.
K-pop 演唱會已成為韓國的一大旅遊亮點,吸引來自世界各地的粉絲朝聖。

🍈New York’s Times Square is a big tourist draw, especially during New Year's Eve celebrations.紐約時代廣場是一大旅遊景點,特別是在跨年慶典時吸引大量遊客。

🍓Japanese cherry blossom festivals are a big tourist draw, with visitors gathering in parks to take photos and enjoy picnics.