2024年2月1日 星期四




The film explores themes of identity, self-acceptance and empowerment and the importance of self-discovery and breaking free from restrictive norms.

In "Stereotypical Barbie," Barbie and her friends live in a perfect world, but Barbie starts to wonder about who she really is. She goes on an adventure with Ken to find a girl who plays with her in the real world, hoping to fix her imperfections.They face challenges and Barbie learns about being herself and standing up to unfair rules. The story is about finding your own identity, being confident in who you are, and breaking free from what others expect of you, especially for girls and women.

1. If you had an important choice to make between living in your perfect fantasy land and accepting life as a human being with imperfections, what would you choose?

2. Do you think pink goes with everything?

3. What color looks good on you?

4. What color do you like to wear?

5. Do you want a long-term, long-distance, low-commitment girlfriend/boyfriend?

1. Humans only have one ending. Ideas live forever.

2. We mothers stand still so our daughters can look back and see how far they have come.

3. You are so beautiful, and so smart, and it kills me that you don’t think you’re good enough. We have to always be extraordinary, but somehow we’re always doing it wrong.

4. You have to be thin, but not too thin. You’re supposed to stay pretty for men, but not so pretty that you tempt them too much or that you threaten other women because you’re supposed to be a part of the sisterhood.
