Sandra’s Students 2010-2021
The University of Edinburgh- a student from 中山大學 (IELTS 7.0 補三週)
The University of Essex – a student from 師大 (W 5.0進步到6.5 補三週)
Anglia Ruskin University – a student from 政大 (W從5.5進步到6.5 補三週)
Royal College of Arts (RCA) - a student from 世新 (L:8.0 R:7.0 W7.0 S7.0)
University of East Anglia- a student from 國防醫學院 (W6.5)
Lancaster University- a student from 政治大學 (口說7.0 寫作6.5)
The University of Sheffield - a student from 文化 (口說6.5 寫作 7.0)
Durham University- a student from 台北大學(overall 4.5進步到6.5 , W7.0)
The University of New South Wales – a student from 陽明大學 (overall 7 補一個月)
The University of Melbourne – a student from 東海 (寫作5.0 進步到6.0)領取International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS)以及Australian Postgraduate Award (APA)獎學金
Kent State University –a student from 淡大 (改SOP, 補IELTS)
Nyenrode Business Universiteit- a student from mainland China (聽力進步1分,閱讀進步1.5分 W6.5, overall 6.5 )
IUBH Internationale Hochschule -(IELTS overall 7.0 W:6.5) - a student from 銘傳
Wageningen University – (寫作1.5進步到 6.0 )
University of California, Berkeley 加州大學柏克萊分校
(IELTS overall 7.0 補1.5個月 ) - a student from 政大
University of California, Los Angeles MBA 加州大學洛杉磯分校
(IELTS overall 7.0) - a student from 東吳
The University of Maryland – (overall 7.0 補兩個月)
IELTS overall 7.0 倫敦政治經濟學院 London School of Economics and Political Science -a student from 慈濟大學
IELTS overall 7.5– a student from政大 (第一次考R:9.0 L: 6.5 W:7.0 S:7.0)
IELTS overall 7.5– a student from成大 (L:7 R:7.5 W:7 S:7.5)
IELTS overall 7.5– a student from台大 (L:8.5 R:7.0 W:7 S:6.5)
IELTS Writing 7.5- a student from 中央 (第一次考, overall 7.0)
IELTS Writing 7.5- a student from 師大 (W從6.0進步到7.5)
IELTS Speaking 8.0- a student from 中興 (口說從5.0進步到8補8週)
IELTS Speaking 7.5- a student from 中正 (口說從6.0進步到7.5補8週)
IELTS Speaking 7.0 -a student from 中原 (補2個月)
IELTS overall 7.0- a student from 台北大學 (L:7.5 R:6.5 W:6, S:7.0 補7週)
IELTS overall 7.0 -a student from 台大 (口說和寫作從6.0 進步到7.0)
IELTS overall 7.0 -a student from 阿根廷(第一次考口說7.0寫作6.5 補2週)
University of Warwick– a student from 北市師 (R:8.5 L: 7.5 W:6.5 S: 6.5)
University of Warwick -a student from 東吳 (L 7.0 W6.5, R 7.0 寫作和閱讀各進步一分)
Goldsmiths, University of London- a student from政大 (R7.5, W7.0 overall 7.0)
The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama-a student from台藝大 (W6.5, S7.0)
King's College London- a student from 輔大 (W6.5 S7.0)
King's College London- a student from 交大 (W6.5)
The University of Manchester -a student from 中央 (口說從5.0進步到6.5 寫作6.0進步到6.5 補2週)
University College London – a student from 輔大 (口說5.5進步到7.5 寫作5.5 進步到7.0)
University College London – a student from 台北大學 (口說5進步到7.0 寫作5.0 進步到7.0, overall 7.0 )
University College London – a student from台北醫學大學 (R7.5 overall 6.5 )
The University of Manchester -a student from 輔大 (W6.5, S7.0 Overall 7.0)
The University of Manchester -a student from 成大 (S 6.5 W6.5)
The University of Manchester -a student from 中央 (W6.5)
The University of Edinburgh- a student from 台大 (第一次考L7.5 R7.5 S7.0 W6.5)
The University of Edinburgh- a student from 輔大 (W6.5 S6.5)
The University of Edinburgh- a student from 台北教育大學 (Overall 7.0 寫作6.5 閱讀7.5)
The University of Nottingham- a student from 中原 (W6.5 S6.5)
The University of Nottingham- a student from 陽明 (overall 7.0 W6.5 S6.5)
The University of Nottingham- a student from 輔大 (W5.0進步到7.0 S 5.0進步到6.5)
The University of Reading – a student from政大(IELTS 6.5 補4周) The University of Glasgow- a student from 淡大 (第一次考overall 6.5 寫作6.5)
The University of Bristol- a student from 輔大 (寫作6.5 聽力7.5 進步一分)
The University of Southampton - a student from輔大 (overall 5.5進步到6.5)
The University of Southampton- a student from輔大 (overall 5.5進步到6.5 口說進步1.5分)
The University of Southampton- a student from輔大 (W7.0, S6.5)
The University of Leicester – a student from 世新 (W5.5 進步到6.5)
The University of Leicester – a student from 台北醫學大學
The University of Exeter – a student from 世新 (overall進步一分 聽力4.5進步到6.0 口說6.5)
Lancaster University- a student from 台北大學 (口說6.5 補7周)
Lancaster University- a student from 輔大 (overall 6.5)
Lancaster University- a student from 實踐 (overall 4.5 進步到6.0)
London College of Fashion Management - a student from 文化大學 (overall 進步一分 口說6.5)
The University of East Anglia (UEA) – a student from 世新 (寫作6.5口說6.5)
The University of East Anglia (UEA) – a student from 文化大學
The University of Bournemouth – a student from 大葉大學 (口說5.0進步到6.5)
Kingston University - a student from 台大 (寫作6.5 第一次考)
The University of Birmingham – a student from元智
The University of Leeds – a student from銘傳 (寫作5.0進步到6.0 補4週)
The University of Sussex – a student from 四技 (口說6.0進步到7.0 寫作5.0進步到6.0補4周)
Queen Mary University of London- a student from 元智 (聽力進步1.5 寫作進步0.5分 overall進步1分)
Queen Mary University of London- a student from 逢甲 (寫作口說各進步一分補1.5個月)
Coventry University – a student from 大同 (第一次考口說6.5)
London College of Fashion 倫敦時尚學院時尚 (IELTS overall 6) - a student from 稻江護校
TU Kaiserslautern 凱撒斯勞滕工業大學 (IELTS overall 6.5 W:6.5) - a student from 中央
University of Queensland – a student (口說7 寫作6.5 overall 7.0)
University of Otago - a student from 陽明大學 (IELTS 6.5, 寫作和口說各進步一分補2月)
TOEIC 965– 推廣部語言中心學生 (第一次考)
TOEIC 950 – a student from 台大 (第一次考)
TOEIC 830 –a graduate student from MCU (第一次考)
Previous Students 2011-2019
花旗主管,長榮航空,中華航空,Intel, Dell, HP, Pegatron, HSBC, 中研院, 奧美廣告, 誠品書局 台積電 職員 等…
英國University of Durham碩士, 政大, 陽明醫學院, 北市師, 台大博士班, 台中師院,
台北醫學大學,成大,銘傳, 東吳, 文化, 輔大 中原 在學生 等…
Lancaster University- a student from 政治大學 (口說7.0 寫作6.5)
The University of Sheffield - a student from 文化 (口說6.5 寫作 7.0)
Durham University- a student from 台北大學(overall 4.5進步到6.5 , W7.0)
The University of New South Wales – a student from 陽明大學 (overall 7 補一個月)
The University of Melbourne – a student from 東海 (寫作5.0 進步到6.0)領取International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS)以及Australian Postgraduate Award (APA)獎學金
Kent State University –a student from 淡大 (改SOP, 補IELTS)
Nyenrode Business Universiteit- a student from mainland China (聽力進步1分,閱讀進步1.5分 W6.5, overall 6.5 )
IUBH Internationale Hochschule -(IELTS overall 7.0 W:6.5) - a student from 銘傳
Wageningen University – (寫作1.5進步到 6.0 )
University of California, Berkeley 加州大學柏克萊分校
(IELTS overall 7.0 補1.5個月 ) - a student from 政大
University of California, Los Angeles MBA 加州大學洛杉磯分校
(IELTS overall 7.0) - a student from 東吳
The University of Maryland – (overall 7.0 補兩個月)
IELTS overall 7.0 倫敦政治經濟學院 London School of Economics and Political Science -a student from 慈濟大學
IELTS overall 7.5– a student from政大 (第一次考R:9.0 L: 6.5 W:7.0 S:7.0)
IELTS overall 7.5– a student from成大 (L:7 R:7.5 W:7 S:7.5)
IELTS overall 7.5– a student from台大 (L:8.5 R:7.0 W:7 S:6.5)
IELTS Writing 7.5- a student from 中央 (第一次考, overall 7.0)
IELTS Writing 7.5- a student from 師大 (W從6.0進步到7.5)
IELTS Speaking 8.0- a student from 中興 (口說從5.0進步到8補8週)
IELTS Speaking 7.5- a student from 中正 (口說從6.0進步到7.5補8週)
IELTS Speaking 7.0 -a student from 中原 (補2個月)
IELTS overall 7.0- a student from 台北大學 (L:7.5 R:6.5 W:6, S:7.0 補7週)
IELTS overall 7.0 -a student from 台大 (口說和寫作從6.0 進步到7.0)
IELTS overall 7.0 -a student from 阿根廷(第一次考口說7.0寫作6.5 補2週)
University of Warwick– a student from 北市師 (R:8.5 L: 7.5 W:6.5 S: 6.5)
University of Warwick -a student from 東吳 (L 7.0 W6.5, R 7.0 寫作和閱讀各進步一分)
Goldsmiths, University of London- a student from政大 (R7.5, W7.0 overall 7.0)
The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama-a student from台藝大 (W6.5, S7.0)
King's College London- a student from 輔大 (W6.5 S7.0)
King's College London- a student from 交大 (W6.5)
The University of Manchester -a student from 中央 (口說從5.0進步到6.5 寫作6.0進步到6.5 補2週)
University College London – a student from 輔大 (口說5.5進步到7.5 寫作5.5 進步到7.0)
University College London – a student from 台北大學 (口說5進步到7.0 寫作5.0 進步到7.0, overall 7.0 )
University College London – a student from台北醫學大學 (R7.5 overall 6.5 )
The University of Manchester -a student from 輔大 (W6.5, S7.0 Overall 7.0)
The University of Manchester -a student from 成大 (S 6.5 W6.5)
The University of Manchester -a student from 中央 (W6.5)
The University of Edinburgh- a student from 台大 (第一次考L7.5 R7.5 S7.0 W6.5)
The University of Edinburgh- a student from 輔大 (W6.5 S6.5)
The University of Edinburgh- a student from 台北教育大學 (Overall 7.0 寫作6.5 閱讀7.5)
The University of Nottingham- a student from 中原 (W6.5 S6.5)
The University of Nottingham- a student from 陽明 (overall 7.0 W6.5 S6.5)
The University of Nottingham- a student from 輔大 (W5.0進步到7.0 S 5.0進步到6.5)
The University of Reading – a student from政大(IELTS 6.5 補4周) The University of Glasgow- a student from 淡大 (第一次考overall 6.5 寫作6.5)
The University of Bristol- a student from 輔大 (寫作6.5 聽力7.5 進步一分)
The University of Southampton - a student from輔大 (overall 5.5進步到6.5)
The University of Southampton- a student from輔大 (overall 5.5進步到6.5 口說進步1.5分)
The University of Southampton- a student from輔大 (W7.0, S6.5)
The University of Leicester – a student from 世新 (W5.5 進步到6.5)
The University of Leicester – a student from 台北醫學大學
The University of Exeter – a student from 世新 (overall進步一分 聽力4.5進步到6.0 口說6.5)
Lancaster University- a student from 台北大學 (口說6.5 補7周)
Lancaster University- a student from 輔大 (overall 6.5)
Lancaster University- a student from 實踐 (overall 4.5 進步到6.0)
London College of Fashion Management - a student from 文化大學 (overall 進步一分 口說6.5)
The University of East Anglia (UEA) – a student from 世新 (寫作6.5口說6.5)
The University of East Anglia (UEA) – a student from 文化大學
The University of Bournemouth – a student from 大葉大學 (口說5.0進步到6.5)
Kingston University - a student from 台大 (寫作6.5 第一次考)
The University of Birmingham – a student from元智
The University of Leeds – a student from銘傳 (寫作5.0進步到6.0 補4週)
The University of Sussex – a student from 四技 (口說6.0進步到7.0 寫作5.0進步到6.0補4周)
Queen Mary University of London- a student from 元智 (聽力進步1.5 寫作進步0.5分 overall進步1分)
Queen Mary University of London- a student from 逢甲 (寫作口說各進步一分補1.5個月)
Coventry University – a student from 大同 (第一次考口說6.5)
London College of Fashion 倫敦時尚學院時尚 (IELTS overall 6) - a student from 稻江護校
TU Kaiserslautern 凱撒斯勞滕工業大學 (IELTS overall 6.5 W:6.5) - a student from 中央
University of Queensland – a student (口說7 寫作6.5 overall 7.0)
University of Otago - a student from 陽明大學 (IELTS 6.5, 寫作和口說各進步一分補2月)
TOEIC 965– 推廣部語言中心學生 (第一次考)
TOEIC 950 – a student from 台大 (第一次考)
TOEIC 830 –a graduate student from MCU (第一次考)
Previous Students 2011-2019
花旗主管,長榮航空,中華航空,Intel, Dell, HP, Pegatron, HSBC, 中研院, 奧美廣告, 誠品書局 台積電 職員 等…
英國University of Durham碩士, 政大, 陽明醫學院, 北市師, 台大博士班, 台中師院,
台北醫學大學,成大,銘傳, 東吳, 文化, 輔大 中原 在學生 等…