2017年10月18日 星期三

Paid to poo: Combating open defecation in India

take the poo to the loo


請注意 take for granted ; pose a threat to ; effect ; implement; campaign這些字的用法


Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made eliminating open defecation in India a priority, and wants every home to be installed with a toilet by 2019.

In recent years, India has implemented well-funded sanitation campaigns, but few have worked.

Some campaigners say that building toilets is not enough and that more needs to be done to reshape attitudes.

But the people behind this scheme hope their alternative approach could be a crucial first step towards ending open defecation in India.

請注意 have access to ; incentives ; subsidise ; 和lack這些字的用法

Why do millions of Indians defecate in the open?

They are among the 48% of Indians who do not have access to proper sanitation.

It can be even more hazardous for women since each time a woman uses the outdoors to relieve herself, she faces a danger of sexual assault.

Recently two teenage girls from the state of Uttar Pradesh were gang-raped and found hanging from a tree after they left their village home to go to the toilet. Their house, like hundreds of millions of others in the country, did not have any facilities.

Apart from poverty and lack of lavatories, one of the reasons often cited to explain open defecation in India is the ingrained cultural norm making the practice socially accepted in some parts of the society.

India's government offers cash incentives to subsidise construction of toilets.
